5 Tips to Prepare for Your First Photoshoot
So. You hired the photographer. Freaking out yet? Getting your photo taken is a super unnatural process, that no one before the 1850’s ever had to deal with! Whether you’re a High School senior, a professional getting a new headshot, an aspiring model, a family wanting to get updated shots of how everyone has grown, or even an influencer, getting your portrait taken can be super scary for the first time! But don’t worry! If you follow these 5 tips, you’ll get through it!
How to Prepare for your First Photoshoot
Getting your picture taken doesn’t have to be stressful!
Relax. It’s all gonna be ok! You hired a pro, you like their work, you read some killer reviews about them. So the tough part is over! Don’t over think it, don’t stress about it, just trust that they have your best interest at heart! After all, their business is dependent on your happiness! Try to get out of your own head, and don’t get too worked up! (I know, easier said than done!)
So much of a good shot is the clothing. Not just because it looks good on you, but if your outfit makes you feel good, then that’s gonna come out on camera!
As a professional photographer, I can’t tell you how many times clients of mine have worn outfits that have made them super uncomfortable, and don’t fit properly. That’s easy to fix with proper posing and the right angles, but it’s not gonna change the client’s comfort level. The more comfortable you are, the more naturally flattering your outfit, the better you’ll feel, and the more confidence you’ll exude!
On a more practical level, the more your outfits compliment the background you’re gonna be shot against, the better. If you’re gonna be shooting in a green field, choose an outfit that will stand out against the green, but that won’t overpower it.
Choose an outfit that compliments your intended backdrop.
For instance, In this of metal band frontman Rick in the desert, his grey vest stands out from the dark colored rocks, but doesn’t clash with them. It fits the scenery, and makes for a more natural looking portrait.
Choose an outfit that compliments your intended backdrop.
In another for instance, in this portrait I took of professional model Tori, the white of her dress stands out against the natural tones of the waterfall. It’s distinctive and contrasting, but makes contextual sense.
So be sure to put thought into your outfits, and remember to stay comfortable!
Any photographer worth their salt will welcome inspirational shots. If they don’t, they are either so specialized that you ought to know what you’re getting beforehand, or they are too arrogant to welcome input, and that’s no fun for anyone!
Whenever I’m working with someone for the first time, I like to put together a secret board of image ideas that capture a feeling or genre, then invite the client to be a part of that board! I don’t necessarily try and recreate them, but just take those ideas and run with them! Most photographers I know will welcome the same!
I put this inspiration board together for a client who I was working with.
Sorelle Amore is an amazing, hilarious, inspirational photographer, model, and influencer. After you watch the video below by her, do yourself a favor and watch more of her content! In this video, she does an amazing job at explaining how to pose your body, even if you’re a total newbie! And all her tips are easy to remember, easy to implement, and really work at keeping you relaxed and confident! Watch below!
My favorite first timer posing guide!
The point of getting professional portraits done is to capture moments. To capture confidence. To capture the real you. So make sure you stay relaxed and have fun! After all, it’s not every day that the camera is literally on you! Let out your inner diva! Let out your wild side! Experiment! See what works! See what makes you feel the most like you. Whenever one of my clients is having fun, it helps me have fun too! And the more fun everyone is having, the better the results will be! So get out of your head, find that perfect outfit, get all the inspiration you can from Pinterest, learn about posing from a posing master, and remember to have fun!
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